It's one of the enemy's most effective and often-used weapons against God's girls. Pam shares her personal experience of how the shame of her past took her on a long and painful prodigal journey.
Learn along with Pam, who, like the woman at the well, made many mistakes but was changed in a radical encounter with True Love.
Come along as she shares her victorious return to truth and learn how you, too, can get the shame off you!
Pam Mitchael knows the pain of abuse and abandonment, death and divorce, failing and being failed. But despite all these set-backs, she walks with the grace of one whose life is characterized by redemption. She is constantly reminded of the new morning mercies of God.
From actions made against her and choices made by her, God pulled her out of the muck of her own life to walk with clarity of passion and purpose.
Pam's story will remind you that the pain...
the rejection...
the shame...
Booking for fall of 2023 and into 2024.
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Selma Texas
JourneyWomen: Spring Conference 2023
Selma Texas
Houston Texas
Breakout Speaker: A PROMISE IS A PROMISE
Houston Texas